Chapman LibrariesChapman LibrariesThe lIbraries on campus provide personalized services and relevant collections in support of the curricular, creative, and scholarly needs of the community
Student Life at ChapmanStudent Life at ChapmanStudents at Chapman have the opportunities to participate in a variety of activities, and clubs. Whether you're interested in intramural sports, student government, or Greek organizations, Chapman has it all.
The Attallah PiazzaThe Attallah PiazzaThe Attallah Piazza is located in the heart of the Chapman University campus. A beautiful area that provides a setting for many events throughout the year, it is also an area for students to unwind in a beautiful outdoor setting.
Campus ToursCampus ToursChapman University provides campus tours for prospective students, families, and interested members of the public. To reserve a spot on one of our excellent tours, visit our tours page